Maths videos

Measure capacity and volume

Measure and compare temperature

Time: Tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes

Tellling the time: quarter to and quarter past

Tell the Time - O'clock and half past

Compare Money- Friday 10th July

Make amount in different ways- Thursday 9th July

Count in pounds and pence- Wednesday 8th July

Count Money in Pounds- Tuesday 7th July

Count Money in Pence- Monday 6th July

Measurement - Compare Mass

Solve problems with length and height using 4 operations

Compare length and height

Measure length and height in cm and m

Using a ruler to measure and draw lines

Make and Interpret Block Graphs with scale of 2, 5 or 10

Make and interpret block graphs with scale of 1

Make and interpret pictograms with a scale of 2, 5 or 10

Statistics - Make and interpret pictograms with 1-1 scale

Statistics - Tally Charts

Create patterns using 2D shapes

Sort shapes in different ways

3D shapes - identify and count edges and vertices

Recognise 3D shapes and identify their faces

Recognise and describe the properties of 2D shapes

Non-unit fractions lessons

Recognise and find a third lesson

Recognise and find a quarter lesson

Recognise and find a half lesson

Unit Fractions

Divide by 2, 5 and 10 lesson

Odd and even numbers lesson

Division by grouping

Division lesson - sharing equally

10 times table lesson

Subtracting 2-digit numbers with exchange (crossing the tens boundary)

Subtract 2-digit numbers (no exchange)

Adding 2-digit numbers with exchanging (crossing the tens boundary)

Adding with 2-digit numbers - no exchange (not crossing the tens boundary)

Adding/Subtracting tens with a 2-digit number

Place value - tens and ones

This video shows how the different digits in a 2-digit number represent the number of tens and the number of ones in that number. It also shows some different ways of representing the correct number of tens and ones in a number using drawings and objects.

Compare amounts of money

Comparing objects and numbers

Comparing objects and numbers 2

Finding the total of a set of coins - 1

Find the total of a set of coins - 2