Welcome to the next chapter of our Year group book - The owl who was afraid of the dark. We have really enjoyed reading this story together and can't wait until we all are all together again.
WALT write 'Monday' and 'Tuesday'
WALT write 'Wednesday' and 'Thursday'
WALT write 'Friday' and 'Saturday'
WALT write 'Sunday' and 'January'
WALT write 'here' and 'there'
Folding in half
WALT find a half of a shape.
WALT write 'ask' and 'put'.
WALT identify half of a shape.
WALT find half of an amount/quantify.
WALT write 'full' and 'a'.
Finding a quarter.
WALT recognise quarters of a shape.
WALT find a quarter of an amount/quantity.
WALT order days of the week.
WALT write 'school' and 'one'.
WALT compare lengths.
WALT write 'the' and 'of'
WALT describe height and length.
WALT write 'his' and 'was'
WALT measure using a ruler.
WALT write 'said' and 'were'
WALT use a ruler.
WALT write 'your' and 'friend'
WALT tell the time to the hour.
WALT tell the time to half past.
WALT write 'are' and 'love'
WALT show time on a clock.
WALT write 'some' and 'once'
WALT write 'where' and 'come'
WALT measure and record time.
WALT compare time.
WALT recognise coins.
WALT write 'my' and 'no'.
WALT recognise notes.
WALT write 'go' and 'so'.
WALT count money in 1s and 10s.
WALT write 'today' and 'you'.
WALT count in 2s and 5s.
WALT write 'house' and 'our'.
WALT order the day.
WALT count to 100
WALT write Says and They.
WALT recognise tens and ones
WALT write Be and He
WALT compare numbers
WALT write Me and She
WALT compare numbers
WALT write I and By
WALT order numbers up to 100.